With my Romulan Federation ally characters I can still do the Explore Strange New Worlds dailies and get 1440 dilithium every 24hrs, however with my Romulan Klingon ally I obviously can't get those missions from Starfleet so what is the Klingon equivalent of this?
Well, there are fairly more ways for earning dilithium on the KDF than on the Federation. Now, have in mind that certain things have been bugged for KDF Romulans, like the PvP wrappers and Empire Defense missions that grant nice amounts of dilithium and are due to be fixed (hopefully).
Also have in mind that someone at Cryptic forgot to lower the requirements on the KDF chars when they made the KDF a full faction, so some things open up after you reach lvl 21 (as it used to be pre LoR).
The one you're asking for though, the KDF equivalent of "Explore strange new worlds" is called "We need breathing room" and is granted by Lt. Antonone, you can find it in your availible missions tab. I think this one works as suposed.
Well, there are fairly more ways for earning dilithium on the KDF than on the Federation. Now, have in mind that certain things have been bugged for KDF Romulans, like the PvP wrappers and Empire Defense missions that grant nice amounts of dilithium and are due to be fixed (hopefully).
Also have in mind that someone at Cryptic forgot to lower the requirements on the KDF chars when they made the KDF a full faction, so some things open up after you reach lvl 21 (as it used to be pre LoR).
The one you're asking for though, the KDF equivalent of "Explore strange new worlds" is called "We need breathing room" and is granted by Lt. Antonone, you can find it in your availible missions tab. I think this one works as suposed.
Do I need to go speak to this Lt. Antonone? Because there is nothing listed under available missions and my Romulan Klingon ally character is level 32 now, this is why I am confused I have zero mission under the "available" tab...and if I do need to go speak to this Lt. Antonone then where would I find him/her?
Do I need to go speak to this Lt. Antonone? Because there is nothing listed under available missions and my Romulan Klingon ally character is level 32 now, this is why I am confused I have zero mission under the "available" tab...and if I do need to go speak to this Lt. Antonone then where would I find him/her?
Well, I have to agree with doffingcomrade then. From what you explained here I can see that this is just one more of those things that are broken since LoR.
You can't find Lt.Antonone anywhere, the guy doesn't exist as an NPC, he exist only as a contact in your availible missions tab. (Something like the Tellarite Lt.Grall on the Fed. side) You are suposed to have him and several other contacts in the availible tab, but it seems that they're still broken for KDF alligned Romulans.
We can only hope it gets straightened out soon, or start threads complaining about it. (not that there haven't been some already by people who noticed this in the Romulan forum)
Hard to believe they would miss something this drastic in testing, so it is pretty obvious to me they just decided to go ahead with LoR and to hell with anyone who wants to ally with the Klingons.
The story they wrote, where you go to Khitomer and the Romulan Temar gives his life to save the Klingon ambassador gravitates the player towards wanting to ally with the Klingons, and Cryptic does this?
Absolutely shameful on their part, absolutely pathetic. :mad:
No point in playing my Romulan Klingon ally until they decide to fix this and that pisses me off big time!
Hard to believe they would miss something this drastic in testing, so it is pretty obvious to me they just decided to go ahead with LoR and to hell with anyone who wants to ally with the Klingons.
The story they wrote, where you go to Khitomer and the Romulan Temar gives his life to save the Klingon ambassador gravitates the player towards wanting to ally with the Klingons, and Cryptic does this?
Absolutely shameful on their part, absolutely pathetic. :mad:
No point in playing my Romulan Klingon ally until they decide to fix this and that pisses me off big time!
I don't know if you're new to the KDF or not, if you are new this is the treatment we've been getting for 3 years with no end in sight. The release of the leech in this box, rather than the next one, was another way to TRIBBLE our faction over. No where near as many Romulans as it would have otherwise came to the KDF. Many were going for the leech then when it went into the box, they decided to roll Federation.
To be honest if they were determined that the Rommies had to ally, for the shake of the games population they should have made all Romulans go KDF. It would make sense from the IP as Fed and Romulan despise one another and while the relationship between the two Empires haven't been warm, they have managed to have several alliances in the past, as often their goals are similar.
But yes, it's a load of TRIBBLE that they let all these bugs into the game, bugs that really effect the choice of what ally you'll go with.
Support the Game by Supporting the KDF, equality and uniqueness for all factions!
I don't know if you're new to the KDF or not, if you are new this is the treatment we've been getting for 3 years with no end in sight. The release of the leech in this box, rather than the next one, was another way to TRIBBLE our faction over. No where near as many Romulans as it would have otherwise came to the KDF. Many were going for the leech then when it went into the box, they decided to roll Federation.
To be honest if they were determined that the Rommies had to ally, for the shake of the games population they should have made all Romulans go KDF. It would make sense from the IP as Fed and Romulan despise one another and while the relationship between the two Empires haven't been warm, they have managed to have several alliances in the past, as often their goals are similar.
But yes, it's a load of TRIBBLE that they let all these bugs into the game, bugs that really effect the choice of what ally you'll go with.
Yes, I am fairly new to STO I started to play in January of 2013 and I have been playing pretty much daily since then. I have several Federation and Romulan characters at level cap and I have enjoyed the ride a lot for the most part. Then I come across something like this that says to me the developer does not care about the quality of an otherwise excellent expansion.
They wrote the story to gravitate the player to WANT to be a Klingon ally, I felt that strongly when I played through that part of the story and instead of making the experience as good as allying with the Federation they completely blow it and release it with no way to really get dilithium which is a HUGE part of playing STO.
Also have in mind that someone at Cryptic forgot to lower the requirements on the KDF chars when they made the KDF a full faction, so some things open up after you reach lvl 21 (as it used to be pre LoR).
The one you're asking for though, the KDF equivalent of "Explore strange new worlds" is called "We need breathing room" and is granted by Lt. Antonone, you can find it in your availible missions tab. I think this one works as suposed.
Do I need to go speak to this Lt. Antonone? Because there is nothing listed under available missions and my Romulan Klingon ally character is level 32 now, this is why I am confused I have zero mission under the "available" tab...and if I do need to go speak to this Lt. Antonone then where would I find him/her?
Romulans allied with the KDF thus receive no dilithium and have to survive by eating canned catfood.
At least we HAVE catfood...
Well, I have to agree with doffingcomrade then. From what you explained here I can see that this is just one more of those things that are broken since LoR.
You can't find Lt.Antonone anywhere, the guy doesn't exist as an NPC, he exist only as a contact in your availible missions tab. (Something like the Tellarite Lt.Grall on the Fed. side) You are suposed to have him and several other contacts in the availible tab, but it seems that they're still broken for KDF alligned Romulans.
We can only hope it gets straightened out soon, or start threads complaining about it. (not that there haven't been some already by people who noticed this in the Romulan forum)
The story they wrote, where you go to Khitomer and the Romulan Temar gives his life to save the Klingon ambassador gravitates the player towards wanting to ally with the Klingons, and Cryptic does this?
Absolutely shameful on their part, absolutely pathetic. :mad:
No point in playing my Romulan Klingon ally until they decide to fix this and that pisses me off big time!
I don't know if you're new to the KDF or not, if you are new this is the treatment we've been getting for 3 years with no end in sight. The release of the leech in this box, rather than the next one, was another way to TRIBBLE our faction over. No where near as many Romulans as it would have otherwise came to the KDF. Many were going for the leech then when it went into the box, they decided to roll Federation.
To be honest if they were determined that the Rommies had to ally, for the shake of the games population they should have made all Romulans go KDF. It would make sense from the IP as Fed and Romulan despise one another and while the relationship between the two Empires haven't been warm, they have managed to have several alliances in the past, as often their goals are similar.
But yes, it's a load of TRIBBLE that they let all these bugs into the game, bugs that really effect the choice of what ally you'll go with.
Yes, I am fairly new to STO I started to play in January of 2013 and I have been playing pretty much daily since then. I have several Federation and Romulan characters at level cap and I have enjoyed the ride a lot for the most part. Then I come across something like this that says to me the developer does not care about the quality of an otherwise excellent expansion.
They wrote the story to gravitate the player to WANT to be a Klingon ally, I felt that strongly when I played through that part of the story and instead of making the experience as good as allying with the Federation they completely blow it and release it with no way to really get dilithium which is a HUGE part of playing STO.